Thursday, September 30, 2010

Am I Out of My Mind?!

I need to put a moratorium on new game purchases. Really, I need to or I'll never finish this quest.

A few recent editions over the last fews day:

Demon Souls (PS3)
Transformers: War for Cybertron (PS3)
The Saboteur (PS3)
Blade Kitten (PSN)
Shank (PSN)

Then there are the games I want for Christmas: Vanquish, Enslaved, Dead Rising 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, Electric Boogaloo, and maybe Rock Band 3. Though Rock Band 3's additon of Pro Mode (and $150 guitar to play Pro Mode) keyboard, 3 part harmonies and two versions of each song (for color button pushers and Pro Mode aficionados) has been debating on whether or not my foray into the plastic instrument genre was a very expensive mistake...

Oy vey!


Unknown said...

I sometimes think that too! I keep buying games knowing that I have some I haven't even touched yet. I wonder if I'll ever finish them all... Because I always think "I have enough games" but as soon as I see the NEW thing like Vanquish or Castlevania, *drools* , I act like I gotta have it!

Adam Vermillion said...

Yeah, it's a curse. Especially this time of year.

What's crazy is I'm thinking of taking advantage of Toys R Us' "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" sale that starts on Sunday! I'll have to wait until Tuesday to do it but if I can swing it Enslaved, Dead Rising 2, and Borderlands GotY Edition are going to be added to the list.