Friday, December 3, 2010


Title: Vanquish
Developer: Platinum Games

Being a huge Resident Evil fan, I was pretty excited when I heard Shinji Mikami was putting out a new game, developed by the mad genius' behind the insanely amazing Bayonetta. I wound up being slightly disappionted but entertained nonetheless.

The game in reference is Vanquish. And, like Bayonetta, it's kinda nuts.

You are Sam Gideon, a DARPA scientist who helps work out the kinks in a battle suit. The battle suit is pretty rad, in boost you across the floor, in a Tenacious D style Power Slide, slows down time to kill enemies, and I think feeds small children too (maybe not on that last one).

The game play is great, is a cover-based third person shooter, but with a shit-load of speed and frenzy.

However, the story is your typical crazy Japanese hodge podge or Space Marines, Russian satellites, and conspiracies. You wade through wave after wave of the same robots. It made me think a bit of CAPCOM's Dark Void in that department.

I don't have much more to say about the game. I finished it almost two weeks ago and am now finally writing about it. I enjoyed it well enough, it was a nice distraction and I give major kudos to anybody who can finish it on Hell Mode.

Next Level: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

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