Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is The "Sex Bob-Omb!

Just went to a free sneak peak screening last night. I know, awesome, right?
All right, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was just as "epic" as it claims to be. I had the highest of expectations, which I normally don't for movies, and they were exceeded in every way. Maybe the experience was enhanced by being in a theatre full of like-minded fans. I actually have to go back for a second screening because I missed pieces of dialogue from everybody laughing so loudly.
Casting, costumes, story, acting, special effects; all of it was just top-notch.
If you haven't made it through all the books yet (and why oh why haven't you!?) finish them up and be prepared for one of the most awesome movies ever made!

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