Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Currently Playing...

Currently Playing: Yakuza 3
Developed by: SEGA

Yakuza 3 tells the story of one Kazuma Kiryu, the Fourth Chairman of the Dojima Family of the Togo Clan. He's currently running the Sunshine Orphange outside of Okinawa. And, he's a snappy dresser.

I've never played either Yakuza 1 or 2, though I was familiar with the franchise. Thankfully, Yakuza 3 offers the player a choice to watch scenes from Yakuza 1 and 2 to get a feel for the world and characters. This takes about 25 minutes of your time.

I picked this up because I love gangster flicks and cool clothes. This game has both. Plus, plenty of street fighting, billiards playing, and fishing (along with about a billion other distractions) to keep you good n' busy.

Kazuma is a pretty dangerous cat, one bad mother... shut yo' mouth (just talkin' 'bout Kaz). He's trying to leave the life as a Yakuza behind him by running an orphanage on the beach. He himself being an orphan adds a poetic nature to his new found occupation. However, like any one else who has tried to forget their past, it always seems to come back and smack them in the face. Before you can knock back a warm sake and scream "Kempai!" Kazuma is dragged back into the shady, yet well-clothed, underbelly of Japan. It seems his once thought dead father is still very much alive and running through the ranks of some fellow gangsters. Probably because they buried him alive. I'm guessing this will probably not be the case for his revenge though.

Yakuza is a large game, offering you a chance to become immersed in Japanese culture. Want to go sing karaoke with that hot little number you just picked up at the burger joint? Knock yourself out, just be warned that like a real life woman, you'll eventually have to get your hands dirty to completely win her favor. Like to shoot some pool? Dust off your high school geometry and head to the Aqua Sky Lounge. Streetfighting your thing? Just run around and get into random street fights with Street Punks, Gang Members, and my personal favorite: Shady Man!

For those with you with OCD, there are also 100 locker key to find and collect. Take them back to the storage lockers and earn some nifty prizes... like a blood soaked bandage?! Never question Japan's weirdness. Just don't do it.

Needless to say, there's plenty of side quests to keep you from doing the main storyline, if it pleases you. And, so far, it does.

I am currently on the Fourth Chapter of this game and have about 15 hours of time put in. I think my completion rate is around 13%, which isn't much for the amount of time I've placed on running around downtown Ryukyu or trying to catch a damn tuna so I can get the trophy for catching the tuna. I keep catching 13cm coral.

All-in-all, I'm enjoying Yakuza 3. It's a nice break from the few action games I've played before it because you don't have to commit a ton of time each play session. Sometimes 30 minutes is all you need to get your fix in.

Though I think I'll need more time to catch that damn tuna. At least I'll look cool doing it.

Want to know more? http://www.sega.com/yakuza3/

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